As I began to investigate the problems I have with Adrenal Fatigue, I guess I hoped that working on that as a specific would result in a long sought answer. With the recent addition of thyroid medicine, I also thought I would be moving toward some sense of wellness. That has not been the case and although I do feel better from day to day, I don't really feel like any basic change is being made. Of course, some discipline might help; but that is something that if it were sold in a bottle would be the hit of the next Christmas season. We're all looking for a measure of health and we begin to know what it takes to get it and keep it. Some people are able to take what they know and apply goal setting,self discipline and faithfulness to accomplish better health, both mental and physical. Others mean well, but if it were easy, all of us would be fine examples of what health looks like. Like all things in life, striving and working toward a goal will result in the desired results. Simple, really.
The figure in this photo is standing at the edge of the maze of life. I took this at Mission San Xavier del Bac, just south of Tucson. Scattered in and among the Catholic symbols and statues at this location, there are a fair amount of this guy. I think the Native Americans in the area revere him and that he is part of their history,from long before the Catholics came upon the scene. Knowing Tucson as I know it, that was a long. long time ago. I looked up a definition to put in here; as you know, there are no secreats on the web! Life and Choice, depicted in this common symbol, "the-man-in-the-maze" was originally created as an illustration of an emergence story by the Tohono o'odham or Papago Indians of the Central Valley in Arizona. The little man is named "U'ki'ut'l" in their language. It has been adopted by other people because it is significant of life's cycles and eternal motion and also of the choices we are confronted with. The right choices lead us to a point of harmony with all things, no matter how hard or long the road taken.
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