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Just a quick note to let you know that I’ve just started a blog called Finding My Energy: http://www.findingmyenergy.com

I’m hoping to include a lot more information about dealing with, and alleviating fatigue.


cheap jordans

I was thinking about writing a post on this exact subject. Thank you


Thank you very much for doing this article about adrenal fatigue. This is a great and informative site that really gives you insights what is the cause and effect of adrenal fatigue. I have experienced this before and it really took a toll on my personal life and even job! It is troublesome and at first I didn’t know that I already have this problem. So, I researched and found out alternatives and solutions to really beat adrenal fatigue.

I really recommend checking this site, they have the best supplements and solution for beating adrenal fatigue.



Thanks for writing, your blog looks very interesting and I'll get more into it when time permits. I've been walking a lot lately and that seems to be helping more than anything else.


Rosanna Commisso

I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome about 8 years ago and with severe adrenal insufficiency or fatigue about 2 years ago. To help me keep on track with what I needed to do to take care of myself I put together an Adrenal Care Daily Checklist & Diary. You can download this diary for free from http://www.chiyolife.com.au/articles.html
I hope this helps make your life and the condition a little more manageable.
Rosanna Commisso
ChiYo Life Founder & Instructor

ken karnack

I don't see your web site? Do you still have one? I am looking for someone to write abott their experiences on adrenal fuctions and healing. thanks

Eryn Paige

I too suffered with adrenal fatigue and adrenal exhaustion. I like to call it entire body and cell fatigue.

I had spent thousands of dollars on supplements, but it was not until I applied natural health teachings and found, Thank God, the best colon cleanse to detoxify my colon, did my energy resume, and yes bye-bye adrenal fatigue!

Gradually, each and everyday my energy and stamina increased.

Because of my adrenal fatigue recovery, I created a website to share my restoration story in hopes of helping others.

Good luck to you on your healing journey.


Eryn Paige

I too suffered with adrenal fatigue and adrenal exhaustion. I like to call it entire body and cell fatigue.

I had spent thousands of dollars on supplements, but it was not until I applied natural health teachings and found, Thank God, the best colon cleanse to detoxify my colon, did my energy resume, and yes bye-bye adrenal fatigue!

Gradually, each and everyday my energy and stamina increased.

Because of my adrenal fatigue recovery, I created a website to share my restoration story in hopes of helping others.

Good luck to you on your healing journey.


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