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Bob Katrina

Glad through stopped here. By reading this post I'm able to know what is HCG and also about "Dr. Simeon's Protocol". Thanks for provided some useful information here. :)


I thought I suffered from Adrenal Fatigue until I finally worked out I have Pyroluria. Do a few Internet searches and you may find your symptoms also match. There is a test for it and it is becoming a more mainstream diagnosis.

I now blog about living life with Pyroluria at http://pyrolurialife.com

Matt White

I really enjoyed the post. Thanks for sharing.

Alice Rivas

This is some real advice right here and i'm happy i found it. Thanks.


I bookmarked this site for the useful information.


I got a lot of help with with sleep, fatique and stress issues by treating and getting my adrenal glands functioning properly again with some good guidance from Women to Women in Maine. I live in Maine, so I can go there, but you can subscribe to their newsletter at Womentowomen.com, which has a lot of great free info on the subject. They also have a book on it as well called...Are You Tired and Wired? Has anyone heard of it?

Jen Busch

I support you in finding and keeping your health. It took over four years for me to find a diagnosis. That was part of the battle, the first part was that I was originally told it was all in my mind. Recently I released a book titled "All In My Mind? Overcoming Adrenal Fatigue, Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia. You can download a free symptom matrix of all three conditions and see how similar in symptoms they are. Just go to http://www.jenbusch.com/readMore.htm I applaud your search. You are not alone, I understand.

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