Today brings sobering news of the big piles of money the Mittens Romney is hauling in. It is something to be concerned about, true, but there are a couple of angles to view this from. Who is donating all of this money and what about the Super Pacs? Are they counting that in? Are the old, white Republicans scraping the bottom of their tea pots and sending all that in? Some, maybe, but it is mostly the other rich folks that are building up his coffers.Remember last election, Obama got millions in from the rank and file Democrats. Even though they don't seem to be breaking out the cash this time, maybe it is all relative. Maybe in comparison, it just doesn't seem enough this time. We know the rich folks are lining up to elect that elitist, little creep Mittens, so it's natural that they are giving all they can to him. Maybe their maximum trumps the $5-$10 bucks the idealists are sending to Obama.
That may be, but even if they have lots more spending cash, it doesn't mean they are automatically going to win. As a former advertising person, I know that a quality use of the money that you do have can be effective against a larger expenditure of funds. In other words, work smart, not hard. Make every ad count, use alternative methods, be strategic in placement and even if we don't have as much as the richie-riches of the world, we still have a big bunch of money to spend. Last election, Obama's people were so smart in the way they ran the campaign. Don't let their big bucks intimidate you guys, be like the pit bull in the back yard, "Sic "em."
It has to be pointed out, early and often, that this man cannot and will not represent the majority of Americans. The people that hate Obama may never be convinced but the fence sitters might be and we need to target them. It also has to be pointed out, as much as possible, that this Republican has huge, huge amounts of his own money. Not a few million, but millions and millions and yet he seems so low class and sleazy. Yeah, sleazy is a real good word for him and his pathetic wife. Show them in your ads, with their poor, dead dog, their crippled horse that they pawned off on some other unsuspecting rich people. These are just what we already know, there must be many more unsavory things to go after him with. I know, I know, that is sooo negative. You have to know at this point, if Obama doesn't go down and dirty and do it soon, it won't matter how much money both of them waste on this quest. Tax returns are an issue, get on it, Team Obama, every day! Go after this from every angle that make Mittens look bad. Use other Dems money, too. get after them!