“When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.”
It amazes me how the Republicans in theis country seem to think they are so ultra patriotic and yet condone the cheating, voter suppression and disgusting vilification of our current president, President Barack Obama. Not just that they are patriotic but that the Democrats aren't patriotic at all. It's like there is a disconnect that they can't jump over.
Most people I know are comfortable in their beliefs about America, about how we are governed and we don't need the other side to try to shame us into aligning ourselves with their idiotic political ideas. The fact of the matter is that all the efforts that the right put into this last election were borderline treasonous. Trying to send an army of grey haired thugs to the polling station with ambiguous roles to confuse and muddle anyone that they deemed the "other side" was not such a great idea. The amounts of money put in by the religious right and the non-religious right, (read wealthy, old, white people) is amazing in scope. I wonder how the morning after was for the billionaires that paid all that "black" money out and got almost nothing in return? While all of these people seem to have the same goals, in reality, the rich class are leading the religious people along to do their bidding. Fooled for years, a long running scam that keeps Americans perpetually fighting with each other. Not to forget some of the other techniques employed by the right wingers in this last outing, let's mention a few more. Sending out false information about where and when to vote. Restricting early voting in areas that are predominately Democratic. Not legally registering huge stacks, 10,000 that we know about, of people who leaned Democratic, (Mississippi). Deliberately trying to suppress the numbers of voters knowing the numbers were against them.Trying to clear the voting rolls just before the presidential election. How about publicising how voter fraud is rampant and must be stamped out, all the while working their own gambits of voter fraud. There are more of these instances but I can't think of all of them now. You get the picture.
Listening to the aftermath and play by plays on the news, it gives me hope that several things may be occurring naturally. One, that the Tea Party hit its peak in 2010 and will never cause as many headaches as before again. Two, that the minority and female participation ensures that the Ol' boys party can never dominate by the numbers. Of course, they keep thinking of new ways to cheat and rile up the unfortunates that follow them but the numbers are against them. I am hopeful but this was such a bitter contest and there are so many angry right wing people now, being incited to riot and revolt ans things like that. I remember how unutterably sad I was when Shrub Bush his second term, ( by hook or by crook!). My side wanted to move away. I know the Republicans are sad and outraged, but they threaten to do bad things to our country, to take things into their own hands, which they weren't able to do the legal way. With leaders like Ann Coulter, Donald Trump and Rush Limbaugh, ( to name but a few of the most objectionable), they are goosed and prodded into outrage. It isn't pretty to watch. I say that these people and all the ones that tried to obstruct the age old voting process should be held as treasonous. Inciting people to throw over a legally elected president seems just that. Treasonous.
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