Here we are, we got Obama re-elected and we're ready to get something done, right? Well, I've been getting this awful feeling about the next four years. After the last term, I figured the righties would have to knock it off and begin to respect Obama for the two term President that he is. Doesn't seem to be how they are playing it, does it? Anything they can think if to slander him, every small, petty idea they can think of, they are leveling it at him. I am old enough to remember how it was with Bill Clinton. If he had been able to govern as a president should, we would have been even better off when he came to the end of his two terms. He helped make our country so much better, all the while hobbled like a bad Shetland pony. Now the Republicans are winding up to do the same thing to President Barack Obama. So, every time we get a great person in, they are going to do everything they can to hamper their work. This may be how it will go, they put some oddious imbecile into the oval office and the mild mannered Democrats just sit back and wait for their turn again. After all, how bad can it be, the Dems think? Well, after that last one, (two wars, huge deficits, huge unemployment and the economy driven into the ditch), the Democrats should think again. Right now they should be putting on their boxing gloves and going right after the Republicans, who think it is perfectly okay to disrupt the duly elected administration. As I mentioned in a previous post, they are quite simply, whiners and sore losers. We have to get meaner, we have to block every move the Republicans make to obstruct our legally elected President, Barack Obama.
Currently on deck, we have the bitter, resentful has been, John McCain. What is he up to? Just fucking with Obama for fun and profit. He lost in 2008 and he can't seem to get over that. maybe it is because he made such an utter fool of himself with that ridiculous choice for vice president. A shame really, she is a constant reminder of his bad decision making abilities. Oh, I bet that burns. So let's mess with the real winner of that challenge. He has so far ruined any legacy he had earned as a statesman and continues to make himself look more and more foolish every day.
Do the Congressfolk think we aren't paying attention to them as they start to drag their feet and try to make life tough for Obama? No, we are watching you people and you'd better believe we will remember you when 2014 rolls around. The "fiscal cliff" is going to hurt your reputations much worse than it will any Democrat. Obama can't run again so you can't hurt him on a re-election. Even if he hadn't won the last nasty, little contest, he would have gone down in history as the first African-American to be president and there is nothing you can ever to take that away from him. He won though, so he must have done something right. Back to the top, the Republicans are going to do everything they can to limit the impact of his two terms. We can't let them do it. So stand up and speak your mind. Don't let stupid, Faux-news-loving trolls get away with their filthy lies. Don't be afraid of them, they are cowards, you know. Just tell them they are wrong and walk away. If that happens enough times, maybe a glimmer will get through to them. If not, at least we have our dignity, which is something sadly lacking in the Republican bag of tricks.
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