Well, anyone who reads this blog knows exactly how I feel about Republicans anyway. I'm just writing about the most recent outrages they have pushed on us. You, of course, know about the "War on Women" they have been waging. I can't imagine how they think they came into the world without the help of a woman and I also can't figure out how there are any female Republicans. What would make a woman vote directly against their own best interests? I guess brainwashing maybe? I talk to them all the time, in real life and on Facebook and they don't seem to see the irony of voting for people who have absolutely no regard for them or their welfare. Most of them lead with their racism first, then push on to outright lies about the economy, social issues and other less savory items. They must learn this effluvient from some outlet....hmm, let me guess. Faux News, the scourge of the last decade. Not an ounce of shame do they have. One thing they do have though, is ratings that are dropping like stones, for all of their major headliners. All this while the big dogs at MSNBC have ratings that going up and up.
Another thing that appears to be cropping up in our news cycles, Republicans go on air and lie. They lie about the economy, they lie about Obama's motivations and activities, they lie about their donors. They are quite despicable. What is even more strange is the fact that our news outlets, almost all of them, let them get away with it. They don't get called on any lie they tell, with few exceptions. MSNBC is one and Soledad O'Brien is a notable exception,sometimes Anderson Cooper steps up. She tears into liars and fools, it's fun to watch.
The Violence Against Women Act was kicked to the curb this week, the aid to Sandy victims, dropped. The Republicans now say they are going to fight tooth and nail to block the increase of the nation's deficit. Can they do that? Yes. Will it cost them? Yes. Will it ruin the economy? Yes. Being driven by the rich folk of this country, they just don't seem to realize what the rest of the country is beginning to see. Even the hard core republicans will be eying their activities this year. Throughly corrupt, bought and purchased by the 2%, their legacies are failing and their credibility is slipping down.
I don't believe the Democrats are saints, they, too, are bought and paid for. They also know that without a strong middle class our country cannot go on, will not go on in the same way as before. Having almost crushed the life out of the middle class before anyone caught on, we are now faced with the fight of our lives to throw the crooks out of Congress and the Senate. Spoiled and pampered, they are all facing a wake up call. Why would the people, newly aware, continue to fund these criminals in the style to which they should never have become accustomed? Why should they get so much in benefits and wages for so little work? Why do they go into the house and senate with maybe a small personal fortune and come out multi-millionaires? I mean, we haven't really been paying too much attention until lately, but these people are leeches. They and their handlers spend millions to get them elected, for a job that pays 200k a year. Power. Power is what they are buying with that investment.
I guess it would be good to wrap this up somehow. The obstuction in our government is being fed with a pathological disrespect for a man who, in time, is going to prove to be one of the finest presidents ever. That is their excuse for being so mean and small. It's not good enough for me, I'm tired of the news of their next adventures. Remember, when 2014 rolls around that we tried reasoning with them, we tried being tough and there is nothing they respond to. Nothing except getting the boot, and some of them try to fight that!
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