I'm a big David Letterman fan, I Tivo his show every night and then catch up as the week goes on. This week and last, he has had the stars of the new Sherlock Holmes movie. I've been waiting for that, I'm a big Robert Downey, Jr. fan, too. Or I was, now I'm sort of backtracking on that. He is certainly full of himself, isn't he? Sort of like his personality is still that of an annoying addict even though he is "cured" of the actual addiction. Ooh, snap! That was mean, I know. It wouldn't have been so obvious if Jude Law hadn't been on the next night. Now, there is an example of a nice movie star. I guess there is no rule that says a star has to be nice but it sure is nice to see an interview with one. Actually, later on, when the biographies get written, Downey will probably be more interesting, but now, I'll be avoiding any interviews with him as the feature. It isn't because Jude Law is British, either, because Hugh Grant was on last week. Peddling his stupid, new movie. You can tell he is either bored or over the whole interview role he is thrust into. He had better be careful, he isn't exactly Lawrence Olivier, if you know what I mean. Of course, he may have his monies all neatly invested and he may not need to keep doing stupid, inane movies over and over again, ad nauseum. I'm, sure Robert Downey, Jr will be around for years but he may in danger of becoming a stereotype of the worst sort. Too bad he got off on the wrong foot but maybe that was because of his narcissistic personality. I am glad he is now so successful because it was painful to watch when he was in trouble all of the time.Let's hope he gets a grip on his ego at some point so we don't have to watch it grow as he continues on his merry way. Let's continue to be fans of Jude Law, he always puts out a good role. I know I'm not your average fan, I don't buy into the tabloids or fanzines but it seems like you can tell how rude or egotistic our celebrities are when hear them one on one, speaking to a good interviewer. I have been put off of several stars by watching them on late night shows. If you're a butt head or just plain stupid, try to stay off the interview shows. You can hide your real self if all you ever present are the lines you read in a movie or tv show.