Moron at parade in September. Total participation: hard to say. Organizer says millions, nay billions were there. Photos show 100,000, maybe. Lovely poster, by the way. Did your first grader make it for you? Just one example of hateful, mean, racist idiots, out wandering aimlessly!
When you choose to be a rebel, when you choose to join a cult, you naturally take a detour from your friends and family. They are as they were, going merrily about their business, living their lives. No agenda, no cult master to please. It really is a shame that their friend or family member has gone down such a lonely, odd and sort of maniacal road by themselves. Years go by, the normal folk try to ignore the oddities over in the other camp. Hidden under a thin veneer of social acceptance, the cult member lives their life, with never a thought about, perhaps, going to a de-programing camp for a quick jolt. And the other relatives never thought to sign up their lived one, they figured it wasn't any of their business. Right? And who is to say, especially in the early stages, that the cult-y ones are wrong? They are living a "good" life, how can they hurt anyone? That was then, and now it is far, far too late to do anything to help. Sad story, no? The cult follower hasn't been getting much attention lately, having driven all sane folks from the vicinity of their home.It's no fun trying to get the other crazies to notice you, is it? Once in awhile, one or two of the "normal" have ventured in, but not lately. No, the cult folks need to draw some attention their way. What better way than to send a broadcast of just how weird their life is, rub it in the very face of the past loved ones. Smear it good. Make sure they get it, "We're strange, and we're proud of it!". Make sure you send your broadcast, (shall we call it "love note"?) to even the ones who stood by you, the ones who were able to ignore your oddities, because it just isn't as much fun without complete alienation. Hurt your closest relatives the most, what do you care? Your cult will see you through. Hey, try to remember something. Your original cult, the one that involved drinking lots of beer, or "standing by your beer soaked spouse" was rudely replaced with this newer, more initially socially acceptable cult.I think I liked that old cult better. At least there was some hope of waking up one morning and looking around and saying, "Man, this sucks! I gotta go". You lost that opportunity when the cult flipped to a more happy sounding one. Still, a cult is a cult is a cult. What a long, strange trip it has been, eh?