My sister has gotten all crazy lately, reading all these books about the brain. One of them, called "Spark", written by a guy named John Ratey, tells how important it is to exercise. Everyday. Exercise. So now she has me in tow as she trudges around the pool for hours on end. Well, okay, 45 minutes to an hour for each exercise period. Sometimes twice a day.I go all over my neighborhood and have my head set on so we can chat as we go. Really, it isn't so bad and after 3 weeks or so, I feel better than I have in a long time. One of the gurus that I believe has a handle on my adrenal problems told me that Pilates isn't the end all be all. Walking is important to your health in ways that Pilates can't touch. So, all those years of learning and perfecting the main 20 exercises in the program, although beneficial in a lot of ways, hasn't done as much as all this walking has in a few short weeks. One way that I will be ahead of others who lose weight this way is that my muscles are toned and trim, no need to find some way to tighten things up after it slowly falls away. All of this is tied to other things such as depression, menopause and stress in my life. I'm glad she ran across this information and now, she's off on a whirlwind of reading on the subject of the brain.